Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is perhaps the oldest medical system in the world, having developed through continuous practical experience over thousands of years. Acupuncture has been endorsed by the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health.
Traditionally considered preventative medicine, acupuncture was used to correct minor imbalances before they developed into more serious disease. The Chinese paid their acupuncturists when they were well, and stopped paying them if they became ill.
Five Element Acupuncture is a powerful healing discipline based on nature. It uses the natural energies inherent in all living things to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. Restoring the balance of natural energy within a person, it harmonizes the person’s relationship to the world. Treatment is individual and takes into account the beautiful complexity and potential of each person.
Chinese philosophy teaches that life energy, called qi (pronounced chee), flows through the body in channels called meridians. When the qi in the body is abundant, of good quality and flowing freely, a person is healthy. When qi is weak or obstructed a person becomes susceptible to disease. The symptoms of disease can manifest not only within the physical body, but also in mental clarity, enthusiasm for life, and sense of purpose.
Five Element Acupuncture is a means of assessing the condition of the life energy and restoring its proper balance. As an acupuncturist, I evaluate each person’s state of health from her/his complaints and appearance, and by reading the six energy pulses in each wrist. I have rigorously trained to detect subtle qualities in the pulses.
Points along the meridians are used to balance energy flow. With needles and moxa, energy is brought where it is needed and dispersed from blocked and congested areas.
Acupuncture Needles
I use needles that are made of finest quality surgical steel. The needles are pre-sterilized and immediately disposed of after use. They are very slender — barely thicker than a human hair — and have a flexible shaft.
The needles are inserted just beneath the surface of the skin. A slight prick is felt during insertion. The sensation of needling varies from person to person, point to point and day to day. It is usually described as a tingling feeling or a dull ache. The sensation of needling can be strong but only lasts for a moment. It is often followed by a sense of deep relaxation and calm.
The number of needles used and where they are place depends on the individual’s needs. Five Element Acupuncture calls for the use of as few needles as possible, following the law of least action. Less can be more.
That said, I am a very practical person and will address the issues concerning you with great care and diligence. Your treatment plan is tailored to your needs.
The herb Artemesia vulgaris latiflora, commonly called mugwort, is rolled into small cones and burned on acupuncture points to warm and build the energy. It is done before needling the point and enhances the movement of qi. Moxa reaches the point on a different level than the needle does; it works with the blood, whereas the needle works with the qi. It is a subtle yet powerful difference.